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Arizona Drug and Violent Crime Control Activities, 1994 State Annual Report: Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program

NCJ Number
Date Published
25 pages
Between July 1993 and June 1994, Arizona's Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program funds supported 37 projects targeting drug abuse and violent crime.
These projects focused on a broad range of activities, including drug abuse prevention and education, the apprehension of drug offenders, forensic analysis of drug evidence, and the prosecution and detention of drug offenders. Law enforcement agencies throughout Arizona received Formula Grant Program funds for Drug Abuse Resistance (DARE) programs, and 2,250 students successfully completed these programs. Multijurisdictional, multiagency drug and gang enforcement task forces represented the heart of Arizona's antidrug and violent crime efforts at State and local levels. The 17 multijurisdictional task forces, with 16 tandem prosecution projects, significantly enhanced the ability of Federal, State, and local criminal justice authorities to effectively target drug trafficking conspiracies and related violence and to successfully arrest, prosecute, and convict drug offenders by pooling resources and coordinating efforts. Task forces in Arizona reported 3,204 arrests and tandem prosecution projects obtained 10,421 convictions between July 1993 and June 1994. In addition, Arizona's enhanced Adjudication Program provided critical support to six Superior Courts and six Probation Departments in 12 of the State's 15 counties, including $165,410 for indigent defense. Funding was also made available for four drug offender detention projects and for three laboratory enhancement programs. Formula Grant Program activities and evaluation results are summarized. 6 tables


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