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Assessing Crime Prevention Initiatives: The First Steps

NCJ Number
G Berry; M Carter
Date Published
53 pages
The feasibility of evaluating crime prevention initiatives led by police forces in Great Britain was assessed, with emphasis on the results in Cambridgeshire and Greater Manchester, as well as Gloucestershire and Cleveland.
The Cambridgeshire program focused on preventing burglary and vandalism in schools, while the Greater Manchester program focused on vehicle theft and related crime. The research aimed to produce a series of performance indicators for use in evaluating crime prevention programs, guidance in the use and application of those indicators, sample sets of indicators, a draft methodology for use by crime prevention officers in establishing and implementing programs, and recommendations to support the use of the indicators and the methodology. The research and the development of the methodology underscored the need for clear and meaningful objectives, the establishment of structures for gathering information within police forces, and efforts to develop national crime data standards. Figures, appendixes discussing methodological issues, and list of 30 papers from the Home Office Crime Prevention Unit.