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Assessment and Treatment of Sex Offenders in the Czech Republic and in Eastern Europe

NCJ Number
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume: 14 Issue: 4 Dated: April 1999 Pages: 411-421
Peter Weiss
Date Published
11 pages
This article describes experiences with the comprehensive therapeutic program for sexual offenders in the Czech Republic.
Since 1976, specialized departments for the treatment of sex offenders have existed in psychiatric hospitals. The treatment is imposed by the court based on the recommendation of forensic experts. As a rule, inpatient therapy is followed by treatment in outpatient sexological departments. The therapeutic goals consist of adjustment of behavior, acquisition of information, overcoming defense mechanisms that have produced denial, the creation of insight, the strengthening of conscious control, changes in attitudes and values, sexual adaptation, and social reintegration. These goals are achieved through a set of diagnostic, psychotherapeutic, pharmacotherapeutic, and social measures. Treatment measures include penile plethysmography, individual and group psychotherapy (in their psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral forms), antiandrogen suppression, and social interventions. The recidivism rate for those treated has been relatively low (less than 20 percent), thus justifying the continuation of this specialized