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Assessment of the Concurrent Validity of a Child Molester Typology

NCJ Number
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1989) Pages: 131-150
R A Knight
Date Published
20 pages
The assignments of 177 child molesters to the Massachusetts Treatment Center Child Molester Typology (MTC:CM3) were examined to determine whether the distribution of offenders into the proposed types was consistent with the underlying structural hypotheses.
Knight, Carter, and Prentley (1989) proposed a typology that attempts to meet the need for a clearly operationalized, reliable, valid taxonomic system for child molesters. In creating this typology, they made several assumptions about the interrelations among the components of their system. It was essential that the validity of these assumptions be tested because these hypothetical relations provided critical structural underpinnings for MTC:CM3. Analysis of the results corroborated in every case the distribution of offenders according to the structural hypotheses. Tables, figures, and 16 references. (Author abstract modified)


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