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Associations Between Trait Anger and Aggression Used in the Commission of Sexual Offenses

NCJ Number
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Volume: 44 Issue: 5 Dated: October 2000 Pages: 606-617
Stephen W. Smallbone; Lynley Milne
Date Published
October 2000
12 pages
This study used archival data on 110 incarcerated adult sexual offenders to examine associations between trait anger and type and level of aggression used in the commission of their sexual offenses.
All of the subjects were participating in a prison-based treatment program in Queensland, Australia. Subjects were administered the State Trait Anger Expression Inventory after being placed in the program, but prior to the beginning of treatment. This instrument measures the intensity of the transient emotional state of anger, the propensity of a person to experience angry emotions, and reactions to perceived criticism or unfair treatment. Intrafamilial child molesters (n=43), extrafamilial child molesters (n=35), and rapists (n=32) did not differ in trait anger. In the combined group, significant associations were found between trait anger and verbal aggression, but not between trait anger and physical aggression. Offenders who used threats of death had higher levels of trait anger temperament, anger reaction, and anger directed outward, as well as lower levels of anger control than those who had used no verbal aggression. The absence of association between trait anger and physical aggression suggests that physical aggression used in the commission of sexual offenses may be largely instrumental. Implications for engaging sexual offenders in anger management intervention and for victim resistance to sexual assault are considered. 2 tables and 28 references