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Audit of the Office of Justice Programs Victim Assistance Funds Subawarded by New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety to Manavi, Inc., New Brunswick, New Jersey

NCJ Number
Date Published
May 2024
23 pages

This paper reports on the Justice Department’s audit of victim assistance funds received by Manavi, Inc., in New Jersey; it describes the Office of the Inspector General’s audit approach; lays out audit results, including program performance and accomplishments, and financial management and expenditures; it presents conclusions and recommendations; and includes five appendix documents.


This report presents the Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG’s) audit of victim assistance grants received by Manavi, Inc. (Manavi), in New Brunswick, New Jersey, from the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Office for Victims of Crime (OVC). Manavi received two subawards from New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety (DLPS) in September 2021; it is a non-profit organization with the mission of ending all forms of violence against women and works to provide culturally appropriate and linguistically accessible support services to South Asian victims in New Jersey. The OIG audit aimed to gain a detailed understanding of victim assistance subaward oversight and to evaluate subrecipient performance and administration of VOCA-funded programs through feedback from New Jersey DLPS officials regarding Manavi’s records. The report lays out the analysis criteria, and provides details regarding the results of the audit, which cover the following areas: program performance and accomplishments, including implementation and services provided; financial management, including fiscal policies and procedures, and subaward expenditures; and conclusions and recommendations. The Appendix documents include: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology; Manavi, Inc. Response to the Draft Audit Report; New Jersey DLPS Response to the Draft Report; The Office of Justice Programs Response to the Draft Audit Report; and the Office of the Inspector General Analysis and Summary of Actions Necessary to Close the Audit Report.