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Australian Community-Based Corrections 1989: Results of the National Census of Community-Based Corrections

NCJ Number
F Debaecker; J Chapman
Date Published
55 pages
Statistics from the third National Census of Community Based Corrections in Australia -- conducted on June 30, 1989, in all States and Territories -- covers all adults serving noncustodial court orders on the census date.
The census covered all persons who, on June 30, 1989, were serving any of the following community-based orders: probation/supervised recognizance, attendance center order, community service/work order, fine option order, presentence supervision orders, parole/license, aftercare probation/partially suspended sentence, pre-release order, home detention, and community based work release. Most of the information for the census was obtained from existing records. Where feasible, information not on record was collected by individual interview. Data on offenders cover jurisdictions of supervision and original sentence, offender age and sex, aboriginality, State/county of birth, location of current address, current marital status, current employment status, highest level of education attained, known prior adult correctional experience, and orders currently applying. 41 tables and appended census form


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