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Balkan Route: Increased Shipment of South West Heroin to Europe, 1986-1991 (First 6 Months) (From The Quest Review, 1991, P 1-21, See NCJ-134991)

NCJ Number
Date Published
21 pages
This article examines patterns and trends in the increased shipment of Southwest Asian heroin through Turkey into Europe from 1986 through the first half of 1991 as well as measures taken to counter this trafficking.
A review of the evolution in the pattern of heroin trafficking to Europe from Southwest Asia covers developments during the 1970's, Southwest Asian heroin's monopolization of the European market in the 1980's, and the emergent dominance of the overland trafficking route. The article then examines the strategic geographic location of Turkey that has made it a gateway to heroin trafficking to Europe. A discussion of the developments of trends in heroin trafficking via Turkey addresses the use of Turkish communities in European countries, Turkish criminal groups' monopoly of the heroin trade in Europe, drug traffickers' preference for the autoroutes to Europe, smuggling methods, and drug law enforcement by Turkish agencies. Other topics discussed are the emergence of new trafficking groups, major recipient countries for heroin in Western Europe, the impact on drug trafficking of political developments in Eastern Europe, and some recent initiatives to counter heroin trafficking to Europe.