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Bank Crime Statistics (BCS): Federally Insured Financial Institutions January 1, 2000-December 31, 2000

NCJ Number
Date Published
17 pages
This document provides the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) bank crime statistics from January 1, 2000, to December 31, 2000.
There were 7,546 violations of the Federal Bank Robbery and Incidental Crimes Statute. Loot was not taken in 642 of the violations. Loot taken in the remaining cases included cash, securities (face value), checks (including traveler’s checks), food stamps, and other property. Full or partial recovery of loot taken was reported by law enforcement agencies in 1,476 of the violations in which loot was taken. The number of persons known to be involved in the robberies, burglaries, and larcenies was 9,492. Of the identified persons, 50 percent were determined to be users of narcotics, and 17 percent were found to have been previously convicted in either Federal or State court for bank robbery, bank burglary, or bank larceny. Acts of violence were committed during 412 of the 7,546 robberies, burglaries, and larcenies that occurred during this 12-month period. Acts of violence included 129 involving the discharge of firearms, 2 involving explosives, and 261 involving assaults. These acts of violence resulted in 166 injuries, 23 deaths, and 108 persons being taken hostage. There were a total of 30 violations of bank extortion. Loot was not obtained in 29 of the 30 violations. Loot taken in the one violation was cash only. There was no recovery of the loot taken. The number of persons known to be involved in the 30 bank extortion violations was 21. In a number of cases the number and description of individuals involved were unknown due to non-observance of the perpetrator by the victim(s) or the use of disguises. No acts of violence were committed in the 30 bank extortion violations occurring during the 12-month period. A total of 62 armored carrier violations were carried out. The loot in 48 of the cases included cash, checks, food stamps, and other property. Full or partial loot recovery was reported in 10 of the 48 violations. Acts of violence were committed during 36 of the 62 armored carrier violations. These acts resulted in 20 injuries and 8 deaths.


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