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Basic Course Instructor Unit Guide 32: Physical Fitness/Officer Stress

NCJ Number
Date Published
77 pages
Intended for use in training California law enforcement personnel, this document presents an outline for California law enforcement trainers and criminal justice educators who are delivering performance-based law-enforcement training on physical fitness and police officer stress.

The curriculum begins with an introduction to the basic principles and components of lifetime fitness, which involves the knowledge and skills to self-evaluate current fitness, the application of risk management techniques to avoide or reduce physical and psychological disablers common to police officers, a commitment to an individualized program of regular exercise, the management of body composition through physical conditioning and good eating habits, and the application of sound nutritional principles. Additional sections cover the specific physical disablers, risk management strategies, the concepts of stress management, the elements of effective nutrition, principles for managing body composition, the principles of physical conditioning, and the development of a personal fitness program. Attached background information about nutrition, diet, and exercise; physical fitness test battery protocols; and information about computing the pulse rate