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Better Management Needed in Automating the Federal Judiciary

NCJ Number
Date Published
49 pages
This report questions some of the Federal Judicial Center's systems development and transfer practices and discusses the need for increased Center-Administrative Office coordination and planning to automate the Federal judiciary.
The General Accounting Office (GAO) interviewed Center and Administrative Office officials and reviewed their records to determine the status of Courtran (the Center's computer systems) and the status of the Center's long-range plans, to assess the development of Courtran systems to aid courts in compliance with the Speedy Trial Act, and to identify coordination efforts. District court officials were interviewed and court records reviewed. GAO found that the Center has not used good software design, development, and implementation practices and has not performed all of the steps essential to properly develop and implement software systems. The Center has not always fully identified and analyzed users' needs, alternatives, benefits, and costs before undertaking software development work. Conversion plans, procedures, and operations and maintenance manuals have not been prepared. GAO recommends that a written system design, development, and modification process be established; that cost-benefit studies be conducted before Courtran systems are extended; that the orderly transfer of automated systems to the Administrative Office be planned; and that long-range plans for directing, coordinating and controlling data processing activities and resources be established. Center and Administrative Office officials generally agreed with GAO's recommendations. Some tabular data and an appendix presenting a brief description of major Courtran systems are included. (Author abstract modified)