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Beyond the Numbers: How Law Enforcement Agencies Can Create Learning Environments and Measurement Systems

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 69 Issue: 4 Dated: April 2002 Pages: 164-166,168-169,172,173
Lorne C. Kramer; Mora L. Fiedler
Date Published
7 pages
This article discusses how and why law enforcement agencies should create learning environments and measurement systems.
The article seeks to determine what lessons law enforcement can learn from learning organizations and performance measurement systems; some of the problems with law enforcement data and how those problems can degrade an agency’s performance; the private sector’s experience with organizational performance measurement and what that experience should mean to the world of policing. The article describes the Police Accountability and Service Standards (PASS) model, which the Colorado Springs Police Department is using to improve its organizational effectiveness. The PASS model has four purposes: (1) it provides a method for accountability to the city and its citizens to ensure a high level of police service; (2) it identifies the community’s prioritization of service needs; (3) it can assess the Police Department’s ability to provide services to address those needs; and (4) it can identify resources spent and needed to accomplish goals and objectives and provide the community with a high level of police service. Tables