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Bob Digelman's Speech at National Association of Criminal Justice Planners Annual Conference

NCJ Number
B Digelman
Date Published
0 pages
Bob Digelman, Assistant Administrator of LEAA, discusses the agency's grant application process and timetable before the annual conference of the National Association of Criminal Justice Planners.
LEAA is in the process of developing its draft 1981 application guidelines. The grant application should be completed by October 15th for public comment; a 30-day public comment period instead of a 60-day period will be in order to compensate for this delay. By November 15th, the final grant application should be ready, and it should be submitted by July 31, 1980, with Fiscal Year 1981 plans. LEAA hopes to reduce the size of the application to make the application process easier. The agency will eliminate requests for information on crime data, special corrections requirements, and detailed descriptions of State and local planning processes. LEAA will submit a one-part application instead of the multipart application of previous years.


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