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Bomb Threats and Physical Security Training

NCJ Number
Date Published
24 pages

By developing a bomb incident plan and considering possible bomb incidents in a physical security plan, individuals and organizations can reduce the potential for personal injury and property damage.


This pamphlet, published by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, describes the implementation of both types of plan. Physical security provides for the protection of property, personnel, facilities, and material against unauthorized entry, damage, sabotage, and other illegal and criminal activities. The bomb incident plan provides procedures to be implemented when a bombing attack is executed or threatened, including defining a clear chain of command. Facilities may be "hardened" against bomb attacks by adding fencing and lighting, controlling access, deploying security patrols, and installing alarm systems. The pamphlet suggests responses to bomb threats and alternative courses of action including ignoring the threat, evacuating immediately, or searching and evacuating. Basic search techniques are detailed, as are procedures when the suspicious objects are located. Diagrams and checklists are included.


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