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Breaking the Code

NCJ Number
M Brunner
Date Published
0 pages
This video presents a teaching session that illustrates the principles of systematic phonics in teaching reading.
The instructor, educational consultant Mike Brunner, reports on the findings of his research into the link between illiteracy and juvenile delinquency. He concludes that illiteracy is a direct cause of delinquent behavior. He advocates the use of systematic phonics as the best means to prevent and remedy illiteracy. His instruction intends to acquaint adult viewers with the principles and teaching techniques of phonics. The phonics technique links a speech sound or sounds with each letter of the alphabet. Brunner takes each letter of the alphabet, beginning with consonants and then moving to vowels, and makes the speech sound associated with the reading of the letter. He also teaches the technique for writing each letter, using a blackboard. Combinations of letter sounds in words are then discussed, as principles for letter sounds in various combinations are presented to the viewer on charts.