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Breaking the Habit of Failure

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Dated: April 2002 Pages: 76-79
Ron Tonn
Date Published
4 pages
This article discusses the need to be innovative at both an individual level and at an institutional level as it explains the mission and success of the Safer Foundation, a service provider for offenders transitioning back into community life.
The author of this article presents an intriguing analogy between individual success and institutional success. The main point of the article is to explain the success of the Safer Foundation, which is a nonprofit organization designed to assist offenders who are transitioning from prison back into the community. The Safer Foundation is based in Chicago and prides itself on its innovation. In fact, the goal of the Safer Foundation is to teach ex-offenders that if one continually follows the same path, the same results will always occur; in other words, it is important that ex-offenders be innovative in trying a new way of life. The point is for the individual to break the habit of engaging in criminal behaviors in favor of forging a new life as a productive member of the community. In order to successfully assist their clients, the Safer Foundation takes its’ message of innovative action to heart. It continually creates new ways of helping people in order to remain a vital and progressive program that actually succeeds in helping people.