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Breaking New Ground for Youth at Risk: Program Summaries

NCJ Number
E N Goplerud
Date Published
139 pages
High-risk youth demonstration grants of the Office for Substance Abuse Prevention (OSAP) are discussed.
This volume is the first in a series of technical reports concerning OSAP grants targeted to specific high- risk groups. This report summarizes the 130 demonstration grants funded in 1987 to develop, test, and evaluate promising approaches for working with high-risk youth. These approaches involve prevention, intervention, and treatment programs for individuals and groups, as well as comprehensive, community-wide projects. As the summaries demonstrate, an array of ideas and practices is now being tested with young people, their parents, and their communities. Programs selected represent innovative, community-based programs designed to increase knowledge of the most effective alcohol and other drug use prevention strategies for high-risk youth. The funded demonstration projects are operated in 39 States by a variety of organizations. The summaries present the outcomes expected by grantees and the contributions being made by each program to the alcohol/other drug abuse prevention field. In 56 percent of the grants, the target population served is a minority group; multiethnic groups that include whites are the target audience in an additional 41 percent of the grants. References and an index of grants by State or territory are provided.