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Budgeting for Construction

NCJ Number
Design Notes: Ideas for Space Management in Law Enforcement Volume: 2 Issue: 4 Dated: (Fall 1992) Pages: 1-2
S Polson
Date Published
2 pages
This article presents a mathematical formula for projecting the cost of a new police facility.
The formula indicates that project cost = personnel count x area allowance x unit cost x inflation factor x regional adjustment x added cost factor. The "personnel count" is the estimated total number of full-time and full- time equivalent personnel (sworn and civilian) expected to use the building at the time of occupancy. "Area allowance" is the median figure of 316 square feet, gross area, per personnel. For "unit cost" insert $91.51 as the new median cost per square foot. This figure includes adjustments for regional inflation and cost differences and represents the average U.S. police construction cost for July 1990. "Inflation factor" must be considered for the period between July 1990 and the estimated bid date; for the 12 months ending in July 1992 the rate was 3.2 percent. "Regional adjustment" involves using the list supplied in this article to find the index number for the nearest city and insert it into the formula. "Added costs factor" is a percentage of the construction costs and is currently 1.341 or 1.234 if the property is already municipally owned. Although based on extensive national data for police facility construction, the resulting project cost total will reflect local costs, a specific department size, and a unique schedule.


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