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Building a Successful Task Force for Prevention Planning

NCJ Number
Date Published
41 pages
This handbook provides guidance for the building of a strong, productive, successful task force in the field of alcohol prevention planning in California communities.
Chapter one provides an overview of various types of task forces, with attention to purpose and structure. Task force purposes may be for study and research, advice, or implementation. Aspects of the structure of a task force are size, composition, governance, and subcommittees. Chapter two discusses the basics of organizing a task force. Topics discussed are recruitment, the first meeting, logistical decisions, recording, tasks, outcome and products, and planning. Chapter three identifies common task force problems and suggests ways to resolve them. The problems considered are poor attendance, low productivity, lack of consensus, weak leadership, and imbalance in membership participation. Chapter four discusses the role of staff, the use of training and outside consultation to enhance the task force's work, and the use of mini-grants awarded by a task force to implement prevention strategies.