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Building Successful Victim Researcher and Practitioner Collaborations

NCJ Number
Date Published
April 2018
7 pages
The Center for Victim Research (CVR) explains to crime-victim researchers and practitioners why they should collaborate, how to build successful partnerships, and ways to sustain research and practice interactions over time.

When victim researchers and practitioners work together, they can 1) improve the process of collecting victim information; 2) develop practice-relevant research projects; 3) give greater attention to participant safety in research projects that involve them; 4) increase the diversity and talents of interdisciplinary teams; 5) develop a stronger sense of credibility to the findings; and 6) translate findings more clearly to move the field forward. The report discusses 10 tips for fostering collaborations that will benefit the field of victim services. First, base the collaboration on trust and respect. Second, value multiple forms of expertise. Third, understand the job contexts of the partner. Fourth, invest time in the collaboration process. Fifth, develop a shared understanding of goals. Sixth, distribute resources in an equitable manner. Seventh, involve all partners with clearly defined goals throughout the process. Eighth, be flexible and use positive relationship management skills. Ninth, address safety and ethical concerns in a collaborative way. Tenth, share collaboration findings to show they are relevant for both partners. 13 references