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California Board of Prison Terms Report on Sentencing Practices Determinate Sentencing Law

NCJ Number
Date Published
103 pages
This report indicates selected sentencing characteristics (primarily sentence length) under California's determinate sentencing law (effective July 1, 1977) and describes the Board of Prison Terms' sentence review process.
The Board of Prison Terms is required by statute to review all determinate prison sentences and notify the sentencing court when a sentence is determined to be disparate. This report indicates the number and type of disparate sentences identified by the board for fiscal year 1983-1984. The selected sentencing information in the report pertains to 16,915 men and women admitted to prison with determinate sentences in fiscal year 1982-1983 (July 1, 1982, through June 30, 1983). The tables present sentencing information by commitment offense, by county, or both. The major offense groups addressed in the report constitute 94 percent of all persons imprisoned during fiscal year 1982-83. 9 charts and 11 tables.