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California Department of Corrections 1985-1990 Facilities Plan, Volumes 1 and 2

NCJ Number
Date Published
229 pages
This volume not only provides information regarding the current status of California's prison construction program as of February 1985, but also outlines the directions of the Department of Corrections (DOC) outlay program for 1985-90.
An assessment of the current situation in California's correctional facilities addresses the need for new beds, inmate characteristics, operation and status of the classification system, and current and projected inmate populations and capacities. Both long-term and short-term solutions are proposed to problems that stem from overcrowding, such as compromised security, high assault rates, and reduced manageability. A review of new construction projects considers location, design, costs, scheduling, capacity, and public involvement in selecting sites. A section on existing prisons and camps covers proposed renovations and construction. Finally, the report explains how the prison construction program has been financed to date and how the DOC expects to finance the remainder of the program. Maps, tables, and graphs.