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California Institution Population Characteristics as of June 30, 1992

NCJ Number
Date Published
39 pages
Tables present selected characteristics of the 104,352 inmates incarcerated in California's Department of Corrections' institutions on June 30, 1992.
The inmate characteristics reported include controlling offense by institution and commitment type, racial/ethnic group by institution and commitment type, age group by institution and commitment type, parole/outpatient return status, and commitment type by institution. For the 104,351 known offenses, 43,684 were violent offenses, 26,992 property offenses, 24,869 drug offenses, and 7,098 other offenses. The inmates who committed these 104,351 offenses fell into several age categories: under 20, 1,736; 20-24, 19,184; 25-29, 25,561; 30-34, 23,936; 35-39, 16,134; 40-44, 9,137; 45-49, 4,454; 50- 54, 2,083; 55-59, 1,076; and 60 and older, 1,051. 11 tables