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California Prisoners, 1979 - Summary Statistics of Felon Prisoners and Parolees

NCJ Number
G deGraaf; D Good
Date Published
142 pages
This report presents a statistical description of male and female felons under the jurisdiction of the California Director of Corrections. It contains historical statistics and inmate characteristics and movement data for 1979.
The State's institutional population numbered 22,632 at yearend 1979, compared with 21,325 at the end of 1978. The number of felons received from court increased during 1979, as did the rate of commitment. The largest offense groups for men were robbery and burglary; the largest groups for women were drug offenses, theft and forgery and checks. The median age for male felons in prison was a record low of 28.5, while the median age for women was 29.2 years. The 7,269 male felons released to first parole during 1979 served a median 25 months in prison, 10 months less than in 1974. The male felon population on parole contained a higher percentage of persons committed for violent offenses, homicide, robbery, assault, and rape than in 1969; 16.2 percent of those released to parole for the first time during 1979 were suspended before the end of the year. A total of 6,347 men were discharged from parole in 1979. Almost 7 percent of the 9,820 male felons released from prison in 1979 had returned by the end of the year. A total of 661 men and 92 women were received in the work furlough programs during 1979, and 659 men and 87 women were released. Numerous tables and graphs are included. Additional tables are appended and lists of tables and charts are included. (Author summary modified)