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Call to Leadership

NCJ Number
Justice System Journal Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Dated: special issue (1991) Pages: 628-639
M A Zaffarano
Date Published
12 pages
Judicial branch leaders are aware that courts need to learn more about leadership concepts, as shown by the experience of judges and court managers at the Second National Conference on Court Management.
Providing leadership training for court personnel is an absolute necessity during the 1990's. Every court manager and presiding judge has an individual and unique leadership style. No single leadership style is self-evidently best. Everyone's leadership style is capable of adjustment. Situational leadership practices apply to the leaders of the judicial branch, and the roles of judicial branch leaders also continue to offer new challenges. Leadership can be learned, thus we must begin to develop our future court leaders one generation at a time and focus our attention on the need for developing leadership training programs. 10 references (Author abstract modified)


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