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Campus Residence Halls: An Approach To Initiating a Comprehensive Security Program

NCJ Number
Campus Law Enforcement Journal Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Dated: (January-February 1989) Pages: 14-15
L G Dasch
Date Published
2 pages
Campus security officials must take an aggressive approach to the issue of residence hall security, because students should feel and be safe in their campus homes.
Security officials should also aim for zero incidents and should not rely only on statistics in making decisions about student security. Even a good past or current record does not preclude implementing procedures or changes to correct a deficient situation or improve an already good program. The first step in addressing residence hall security should be to update or create a document that clearly presents the institution's position on this issue and the standards for each residence hall. The second step should be a self-assessment of the security operation and programs for the campus residence halls. Important issues to address in these steps are the need for a clear mission statement as well as goals and objectives supporting it, the need for a security survey of each residence hall, and contact with organizations and publications to keep abreast of current information. The critical areas of perimeter security, interior security, exterior security, and fire safety also need specific attention, as does the issue of appropriate resources to support the security program.


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