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Center for Civic Education/Law in a Free Society, Final Report to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, February 1, 1982 July 31, 1985

NCJ Number
Date Published
135 pages
This final report summarizes the objectives, activities, and accomplishments of the Center for Civic Education/Law in a Free Society (CCE/LFS), which received a grant to (1) assess the impact of law-related education (LRE) on juvenile delinquency and (2) analyze processes for institutionalizing LRE, particularly in California.
The report covers activities from February l, 1982, through July 31, 1985. General objectives are presented along with summaries of activities and achievements related to each objective. The project's assessment phase continued through January 1984. CCE/LFS then focused on instructing trainers and teachers to achieve institutionalization of the LRE program through the remainder of the funding period. CCE/LFS attempted to impact as many school districts as possible to cultivate awareness of and support for LRE, to provide LRE training and develop classroom materials, and to implement LRE curriculums. Second, CCE/LFS worked with national evaluators to develop LRE content and strategies that will most effectively and positively impact student behavior. The CCE/LFS research and demonstration effort focused on California, but cooperation and technical assistance were extended to other States interested in LRE. Cumulated impact data are appended along with curriculum materials.