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Change in Adolescent Boys at Teen Ranch: A Five-Year Study

NCJ Number
Adolescence Volume: 25 Issue: 99 Dated: (Fall 1990) Pages: 509-516
D A Lorandos
Date Published
8 pages
One hundred twenty psychological test protocols were selected to evaluate change in adolescent boys referred to the "Teen Ranch", a residential treatment center for juvenile delinquents in Michigan. The test-retest batteries were offered to boys in their first and thirteenth month of treatment; the sample consisted of boys age 11 to 17 years with an average stay of 13 months, mostly referred from the State juvenile court system.
A comparison of 27 variables between the two tests revealed expected and some unexpected results. Eight of the 14 intellectual or academic scores increased significantly, although reading recognition decreased. The results of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory indicated a dramatic decrease in pathological processes, particularly depression, and an increase in masculinity-femininity which suggests an enhanced ability to be expressive. 2 tables and 27 references