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Characteristics of Sexual Offenders

NCJ Number
Corrective and Social Psychiatry and Journal of Behavior Technology Methods and Therapy Volume: 36 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1990) Pages: 13-16
K Hayes; R G Evans; R W Barnett
Date Published
4 pages
A study of 208 incarcerated male child molesters was conducted to define a group profile of personality characteristics of men convicted of sexual offenses with children as the victim of preference.
Another goal of the study was to compare groups using modern multivariate statistical techniques and validated measures of personality style and disturbance. The study subjects completed the Milton Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI), and a two (age of the victim) by two (sex of victim) Multivariate Analysis of Variance was conducted on the MCMI scores. This analysis did not reveal any significant main effects or interactions of these two variables. The group profile defined by the sample pointed to the presence of high dependency needs, low self-esteem, mild depression, and anxiety. Overall the study supports an economical explanation of the personality factors present in this group of offenders. Social skills training programs along with psychosexual educational opportunities are thus suggested. 1 table, author notes, and 19 references