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Child Abuse Investigation - The Importance of Visual Evidence

NCJ Number
Date Published
7 pages
This booklet outlines the locations, types, and characteristics of physical injuries typically inflicted on child abuse victims, so as to aid investigators.
The outline for inflicted bruises covers typical locations and means of infliction, such as the hand, a bite, a strap, and some bizarre means. A chart shows color changes at the bruise periphery according to the age of the bruise, and locational characteristics of accidental and nonaccidental bruises are indicated. Types of inflicted burns listed include cigarette burns, match tip or incense burns, dry contact burns, branding burns, and scalds from forced immersion. In addition to a listing of the physical findings characteristic of abuse burns, incriminating historical and social information typically accompaning such abuse is provided. An outline of evidence of inflicted subdural hematomas encompasses the symptoms of direct blows and violent shaking. Other injuries are listed for inflicted head injuries, abdominal injuries, and bone injuries. The booklet concludes with a listing of physical indicators of sexual abuse.


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