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NCJ Number
J J Mead; D L Westgate
Date Published
36 pages
This manual provides detailed, illustrated guidelines for use by health care professionals and investigators for use in determining whether a child's injury is accidental or the result of child abuse.
The text emphasizes that child abuse is a repetitive process and that it is unlikely that a confirmed instance of abuse is the first the child has experienced. Therefore, the skilled investigator examines not only the incident but also a possible pattern of injury to a child. Many abusive parents seek medical attention from many doctors and hospitals, so it is important to try to obtain all medical records. Investigators must also be familiar with naturally caused medical conditions that can resemble child abuse. They should also be aware that most accidental injuries happen over bony prominences such as the knee and elbows. Injuries include soft-tissue injuries, skeletal injuries, internal injuries, head injuries. Detailed guidelines, illustrations, and reference lists