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Child Custody Decisions in Families Experiencing Woman Abuse

NCJ Number
Social Work Volume: 39 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1994) Pages: 51-59
D G Saunders
Date Published
9 pages
This paper reviews the research literature comparing the risks that abused women and men who batter will physically abuse their children.
Social work practitioners are often unaware of the much greater risk to children presented by men who batter. In addition, several factors may raise or lower the risk level, including parental separation, parents' childhood traumas, psychological profiles, and participation in treatment. Because battered women's problems are less chronic than those of their partners, they have a better chance of overcoming their psychological trauma and fulfilling their parenting role. Women need information about the success rates of treatment for men who batter and help in using the criminal justice system to balance power with their partners. Joint custody should rarely be recommended in domestic violence cases. Conditions for visitation should be determined by the types of risk factors in the men who batter and their willingness to complete specialized treatment for physical abuse. Parenting classes should also be recommended. 86 references