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Child Sexual Abuse: Children and Families Referred to a Treatment Project and the Effects of Intervention

NCJ Number
British Medical Journal Volume: 295 Dated: (December 5, 1987) Pages: 1453-1457
A Bentovim; P Boston; A VanElburg
Date Published
5 pages
This study analyzes the characteristics of a series of 274 families referred to a sexual abuse treatment program in London, England.
Information was obtained on 411 abused children and 362 nonabused children. Different forms of sexual abuse were noted, with 77 percent of girls and 23 percent of boys affected. Boys tended to be abused at a younger age, more severely, and for longer periods than girls. There was a predominance of lower social class groups among the parents and a wide variety of family structures, with reasonable stability over time. Ninety-six percent of perpetrators were men, and biological and stepparents predominated. Contributing factors in both the family history and the current perpetrators and their wives included sexual abuse, violence, chaotic families, marital problems, sexual difficulties, alcoholism, and subnormality. Followup of 120 families, 180 victims, and 226 siblings showed that prosecution occurred in 60 percent of cases, with a high percentage of perpetrators being imprisoned. Treatment was given to 87 percent of families, but because the treatment program was in the early stages of development, a variable number of children and parents were offered family treatment or treatment in groups for parents and children separately. There was an improvement in the victim's circumstances in 61 percent of cases and a noticeable reduction in 'sexualized' and general emotional difficulties among victims, but there was a reabuse rate of 16 percent. Child protection was achieved through changes of family attitude and in family structure. Fourteen percent of victims were rehabilitated to both parents, 33 percent to mothers only, and 26 percent to new families or other residences. 5 tables, 10 references. (Author abstract modified)