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Children and Their Neighbors in Chesterfield County - Facts and Figures on Chesterfield County and Its Youth

NCJ Number
Date Published
36 pages
This brief statistical profile of Chesterfield County, Va., provides information about population changes, housing, health, education, crime, and recreation and discusses how these factors influence the lives of children living in the county.
The county's population has grown 82 percent since 1970. Chesterfield has one of the highest median family incomes in the State ($22,523 in 1978) and one of the lowest welfare case rates. The unemployment rate has hovered about 3 percent for the last few years. However, the county is beginning to experience certain pressures and problems common to urban areas. The tremendous influx of people to the county is producing neighborhoods of strangers, and citizens are putting greater strain on public resources, such as mental health facilities, sewers, and roads. Increasing numbers of youths are becoming involved in crime, getting pregnant, and feeling alienated from the mainstream of society. Data and narrative analyses are given on population, housing, income and employment, welfare, health, crime, schools, and parks and recreation. Tables, 48 references, and graphs are included. Technical data are appended.