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Children of Immigrants' Bonding to School: Examining the Roles of Assimilation, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Social Bonds

NCJ Number
Urban Education Dated: February 2016
J. M. Bondy; A. A. Peguero; B. E. Johnson
Date Published
February 2016
15 pages
Since social bonds to school (i.e., attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief) can influence educational progress and success for students, this study used data from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 and incorporated multilevel analysis to examine straight-line assimilation, segmented assimilation, and immigrant optimism theories in relationship to the children of immigrants' school bonds.

Findings suggest that bonds to school are moderated by gender, race, ethnicity, and immigrant generation. The implications of the evident disparities in the children of immigrants' bonds to U.S. public schools are discussed more broadly. 60 references (Publisher abstract modified)