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Colombian Penal Code

NCJ Number
G O W Mueller
Date Published
156 pages
After an introduction that outlines the history, organization, and contents of Colombia's Penal Code, this book presents an English translation of the code.
The current code, enacted in 1936, contains a "General Part" which mandates principles pertinent to all criminal laws, and a "Special Part" which specifies various offenses and their punishments. The General Part contains five titles that pertain to crimes and punishments in general; sanctions; suspended sentence, parole, and judicial pardon; the execution of sanctions and their consequences; and the extinction of the penal action and judgment. Sixteen titles in the Special Part delineate offenses and punishments in various crime categories. The code exempts from liability persons who commit property crimes as a means for subsistence. Persons who commit offenses to protect the honor of the family are granted immunity or indulgence. Mercy killings are dealt with leniently as is abortion for the sake of "honor." Neither adultery nor voluntary prostitution is a criminal offense. There is no mandatory provision for a jury. Criminal liability is mitigated under the code when there is evidence of passion, emotion caused by intense pain, unjustly provoked anger, pressing or exceptional personal or family circumstances, peer pressure, poverty, and lack of education. Sanctions encompass fines, imprisonment, forfeiture, disqualification, and deportation. Appended relevant laws and decrees