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Combat Firearms Training for Small Law Enforcement Agencies

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 30 Issue: 9 Dated: (September 1982) Pages: 46-49
J W Bennett; R A Lively
Date Published
4 pages
The article describes the economical combat stress-controlled firearms training course for veteran police officers carrying on-duty .38 or .357 revolvers. The simulated training was implemented successfully in local Illinois police departments.
The course enhances 'instinct shooting,' introduces 'stress shooting' via running and the knowledge that accuracy and time are linked, uses simulated crisis decisions, and employs multiple assailants and moving targets. The five-phase program requires only a certified firearms cadre; at least two officers; and an outdoor range accommodating about 20 shooting points and 7, 15, and 25 yard positions. The list of materials needed, such as a child's red wagon, target bases, a mobile target stand, and various target frames, includes approximate prices. The course is beneficial because it weeds out those officers who are unfit or who fail to handle weapons properly. A course diagram is included.


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