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Comment: Revisionism During the Forty Years of the Constitution of Japan

NCJ Number
Law and Contemporary Problems Volume: 53 Issue: 1 and 2 Dated: special issue (Winter/Spring 1990) Pages: 97-103
I Sato
Date Published
7 pages
The comment reviews the development of explicit revisionism and outlines the debates about the emperor system, Article 9 of the Constitution, and fundamental human rights during the past 40 years.
Explicit, textual revision of the Constitution is the focus of the comment which is divided into four periods: 1950's, 1960's, 1970's, and 1980's. The 1950's revisionism was affected mainly by the Korean War. The 1960's saw the height of activity of the Commission on the Constitution. Constitution revision remained quiet during the 1970's; while during the 1980's the perceived "threat of the Soviet Union" and the policy of strengthening Japan's joint defense responsibility pushed revisionism back into the spotlight. A discussion of current revisionist tendencies as they relate to the topics of the emperor system, Article 9, and fundamental human rights concludes the article. 4 notes