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Commitments to Jails, Fiscal Year 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
60 pages
This report from the Virginia Department of Corrections covers commitments to county and city jails and city jail farms; this confinement does not reflect whether a person has been judged innocent or guilty.
A separate commitment is reported each time a person is confined in jail on a charge of having violated a law or ordinance, for being inebriated or insane, as a material witness in a criminal case, for investigation, for protection, or for any other reason. Jail commitment statistics are given by type of institution and by race and sex of the confined person, by month, and by prisoner days. Ten-year comparisons of prisoner days and number of commitments are given, as are analyses of jail capacities and populations. Tables, pie charts, and figures present the data. Appendixes include data on localities other than county or city jails, jails used by more than one county or city, and jails owned by more than one county or city.