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Communicator's Choice

NCJ Number
N Barr; G T McDonald
Date Published
0 pages
The presentation addresses the various roles of the probation officer, as well as the topics of body signals, appearance and manner, confident professionalism, ineffective and effective officer-client interactions, manipulative maneuvers, communication skills, and the communicator's choice -- uptight alertness or relaxed awareness.
The film examines how credibility, or the lack of it, is often affected by the observable messages we send others. For example, a relaxed body is more frequently effective than an uptight one. Energy focus, body balance, confidence, flexibility, and stressfulness also affect communication. This program is useful to experienced probation officers to refresh behavioral awareness and polish interaction skills, to new officers to identify communication problems and motivate growth and expansion of communication awareness, and to staff and support personnel to understand the pressures and stresses which probation officers must face. (Author abstract modified)


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