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Community Colleges and Corrections: Partnerships for Responsive Corrections Education

NCJ Number
American Jails Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Dated: (May/June 1991) Pages: 52-54
H M Babb; H R Bales
Date Published
3 pages
Colorado Northwestern Community College, along with several other Colorado community colleges, the Colorado Department of Corrections, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons, has been instrumental in developing the curriculum for a standardized corrections certificate which articulates into an associate of applied science (AAS) degree.
Over the four years since the criminal justice program was implemented in 1985, several new dimensions were added to the original emphasis on corrections, law enforcement, and juvenile justice. These include an associate of arts track to facilitate the transfer student, a computer technology focus, a Certified Peace Officer Academy, and a National Park Service Seasonal Ranger Academy. The corrections certificate is a one-year program but offers courses on a rotating basis year round. Several courses have been developed into video format, and others are made available in the evening. The criminal justice faculty plans to develop further video courses with computer-assisted instructional software to access the nontraditional and geographically disadvantaged learner. This is a highly effective modality which maintains the academic integrity of the curriculum.


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