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Community Policing in England and Wales (From Comparisons in Policing: An International Perspective, P 161-165, 1995, Jean- Paul Brodeur, ed. -- See NCJ-160713)

NCJ Number
R Reiner
Date Published
5 pages
The community policing movement in England and Wales is grounded in the perception that various changes since the 1950's have eroded the traditional policing approach.
Even though some consider traditional policing to be community policing, several changes have occurred that clearly differentiate the two forms of policing in England and Wales. In particular, the influx of ethnic minorities has created a multicultural society and has fragmented the community police departments are supposed to represent. In addition, crime rates have significantly increased, and police crime prevention efforts have become more difficult. Bureaucratic factors have influenced police organizations, to the extent that police forces have become more specialized to cope with diverse problems, and an increased emphasis has been placed on unit police beats and police-community relations. The author concludes that the community policing concept may be an oxymoron, in that police departments have always had the mandate of controlling social divisions. 16 references