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A Comparison of Narrative Exposure Therapy, Supportive Counseling, and Psychoeducation for Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in an African Refugee Settlement

NCJ Number
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Volume: 72 Issue: 4 Dated: 2004 Pages: 579-87
Neuner Frank; Margarete Schauer; Christine Klaschik; Unni Karunakara; Thomas Elbert
Date Published
9 pages

This study of the efficacy of narrative exposure therapy (NET) found it to be a promising approach for the treatment of PTSD for refugees living in unsafe conditions.


The efficacy of narrative exposure therapy (NET) was evaluated in a randomized controlled trial, which found NET to be a promising approach for the treatment of PTSD for refugees living in unsafe conditions. Little is known about the usefulness of psychotherapeutic approaches for traumatized refugees living in dangerous conditions. NET is a short-term approach based on cognitive-behavioral therapy and testimony therapy. Sudanese refugees living in a Ugandan refugee settlement (N = 43) who were diagnosed as suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) either received 4 sessions of NET, 4 sessions of supportive counseling (SC), or psychoeducation (PE) completed in 1 session. One year after treatment, only 29% of the NET participants but 79% of the SC group and 80% of the PE group still fulfilled PTSD criteria.  (Published Abstract Provided)