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Comparison of Six Models for Violent Romantic Relationships in College Men and Women

NCJ Number
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume: 18 Issue: 6 Dated: June 2003 Pages: 645-665
Helen M. Hendy; Kristen Weiner; John Bakerofskie; Doreen Eggen; Cheryl Gustitus; Kelli C. Mcleod
Date Published
June 2003
21 pages
This study compared six types of parent and partner violence as possible models for violence in the romantic relationships of 608 college students (164 men and 444 women) enrolled at 3 campuses of Pennsylvania State University.
For both men and women in the study, support was found for the hypothesis that more violence in current romantic relationships would be reported by those with more models of violence in other relationships. Also, for both men and women, support was found for the hypothesis that violence inflicted on the current partner would be associated with both parental models and partner models of violence. The hypothesis that the same-gender parent would consistently be the more powerful parental model of violence was not supported. For both men and women, the only significant parental model for violence in current romantic relationships was violence received from the mother. For women, violence received from the mother was associated with receiving violence from current partners; whereas for men, violence from the mother was associated with both receiving and inflicting violence on current partners. Support was also found for the hypothesis that the most powerful model of violence inflicted on the current partner would be violence received from that partner. The findings suggest that interventions to reduce the risk of violence in romantic relationships may be more effective if directed toward changing the models, attributions, and behavior of the aggressor rather than the victim. Anonymous questionnaires were completed by the students to provide demographic information; to report whether they were currently involved in a romantic relationship; and to complete the Decision to Leave Scale, which indicated their concerns about staying or leaving the relationship. Violence inflicted and received in the relationship was measured with Form N of the violence subscale of the Conflict Tactics Scale. 5 tables and 64 references