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A comparison of statistical models for the analysis of complex forensic DNA profiles

NCJ Number
Science & Justice Volume: 54 Issue: 1 Dated: 2014 Pages: 66-70
Hannah Kelly; Jo-Anne Bright; John S. Buckleton; James M. Curran
Date Published
5 pages

In this paper, the authors review of some current DNA profile interpretation models and attempt to highlight the weaknesses and strengths of these models; they also attempt to address the question of what a forensic biologist requires in a model and if that can be realistically implemented under current justice systems.


Complex mixtures and LtDNA profiles are difficult to interpret. As yet there is no consensus within the forensic biology community as to how these profiles should be interpreted. This paper is a review of some of the current interpretation models, highlighting their weaknesses and strengths. It also discusses what a forensic biologist requires in an interpretation model and if this can be realistically executed under current justice systems. (Publisher Abstract Provided)