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Comparison of Stochastic Variation in Mixed and Unmixed Casework and Synthetic Samples

NCJ Number
Forensic Science International: Genetics Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Dated: March 2012 Pages: 180-184
Jo-Anne Bright; Kurt McManus; SallyAnn Harbison; Peter Gill; John Buckleton
Date Published
March 2012
5 pages
This study examined the behaviour of mixed DNA profiles in forensic DNA analysis.
Understanding the behavior of mixed DNA profiles is of paramount importance in forensic DNA analysis. Key parameters are those of heterozygote balance and mixture proportion and its variability. These parameters have been previously explored as a function of the average peak height of the active alleles in single source and mixed samples derived from pristine DNA. This article reports a comparison of this data with data obtained from casework samples. This allows an assessment of the difference in the distribution of heterozygote balance between mixed and single source stains and between casework mixtures and synthetic mixtures constructed from pristine DNA. (Published Abstract)