This compendium presents data on the processing of criminal suspects through all phases of the Federal criminal justice system during 1986.
An overview of Federal criminal case processing includes a description of the attrition of suspects from prosecutorial review to sentencing, incarceration, and release. Prosecution data cover matters received, disposition of matters concluded, basis for declination, and processing time. Data on pretrial release encompass release procedures, types of pretrial release, factors relating to release, rates of release and detention, basis for detention, time of release, release on financial conditions, incidence of pretrial violations, and defendant characteristics. Adjudication tables address defendants in cases terminated, case-processing time, characteristics of convicted offenders, and matters concluded by U.S. magistrates. Sentencing data cover offenders convicted and sentences imposed, the relationship between sentence and method of case disposition, characteristics of offenders sentenced to incarceration, average prison sentence length, and the relationship of prison term to defendant characteristics. Corrections statistics encompass probation and parole outcome, comparison of parole and probation populations, and the violation rate. Methodology description, data notes, district tables, and a glossary