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Comprehensive Career Criminal Program

NCJ Number
Date Published
18 pages
The objectives, procedures, and effectiveness of the New Haven Comprehensive Career Criminal Program (Conn.) are discussed.
The New Haven Career Criminal program, begun in 1978 under LEAA funding, was designed to establish in the New Haven judicial district a specialized prosecutorial unit which would aggressively pursue and prosecute repeat felony offenders. The crimes targeted have been homicide, sexual assault, assault, robbery, and burglary. The structure of the career criminal unit follows the general model established throughout the country under LEAA funding. Principal tasks performed by the project include the early identification of career criminals, the expedited prosecution of identified career criminals, a decrease in the nolle and dismissal rates for habitual offenders, and increased conviction rates for the career criminal. The project also sought to increase the severity of sentence for the repeat offender and to expedite the processing of career criminal cases. Each of these objectives has been met, and the policies and procedures now in place ensure that these objectives will continue to be attained by the unit. Further, the project has served as a model for the development of similar programs in other Connecticut jurisidictions. Funding for the New Haven project has been assumed by the State. Tabular data and forms used in the program are provided.