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Conference Planning Guide

NCJ Number
D Migliore
Date Published
September 1997
86 pages
This conference planning guide recognizes the need for training and education in the field of crime victim services to help individuals who work in State victim compensation programs and local assistance programs such as shelters, rape crisis centers, child abuse programs, and other nonprofit victim services.

The task of coordinating a statewide conference or hosting a national conference on victim services involves many challenges, and the guide provides assistance to conference planners by developing conference planning skills and giving an overview of the elements of a successful conference. The guide is organized according to seven parts. The first three parts cover getting started, site selection, and negotiating agreements and contracts. The other four parts focus on planning the conference program, speakers and presenters, executing the conference plan, and training initiatives and technical assistance available from the U.S. Department of Justice's Office for Victims of Crime. Eleven appendixes offer additional information on conference planning and related forms.