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Conflicts of Interest

NCJ Number
American Criminal Law Review Volume: 28 Issue: 3 Dated: special issue (1991) Pages: 407-425
C Bledsoe; L Greenlees; J Hoover; P Sullivan
Date Published
19 pages
Focusing on both the language of the statutes and relevant case law, this survey outlines the various Federal conflict of interest statutes which are codified at sections 203, 205, 207, 208, and 209 of Title 18 of the United State Code.
Specific statutes and Executive Orders provide general guidance, and procedures are available that permit present and former Federal employees to determine whether particular actions violate the law. Congress, in passing the Ethics Reform Act of 1989, has developed the most significant reforms in the area of conflict of interest law in the past decade. The Ethics Reform Act clarifies and simplifies employment standards to facilitate understanding of what is actually prohibited by those employees who receive a salary from the Federal treasury. 138 footnotes


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